Monday, October 13, 2008

My "Yes on Prop 8" Signs Were Stolen!!

Yes indeed, I had two signs out on my property and they were both stolen. I have heard an unsubstantiated rumor that the "No" campaign has encouraged their minions to take down signs that they find from the opposition. The interesting part is that these signs were both very clearly on my property -- one even fairly "difficult" to reach -- so whoever did this most definitely broke the law. A good friend of mine has had many signs stolen from his property, as well. Should I take down signs that I see for the "No" campaign? I'd love to! However, for this battle, I'm going to stay on the moral high ground.

It is curious how the "No" campaign says this is all about tolerance, yet those who are against Prop 8 can't tolerate my constitutional right to freedom of expression, spewing vitriolic hate against every sentence I articulate in support of Proposition 8. I need to go pick up a few more signs to put in my front yard ...


Melissa said...

I saw an article about a guy being assaulted after church while he was holding prop 8 signs. Very interesting how intolerant the opposers are.

Megan said...

We have a similar prop right now and yard signs have gone missing around here too. That's crazy!

Anonymous said...

Let's look at facts:
Children as young as 5 are already being taught about gay marriage in CA. This happened in MA, and now it's here in CA. Look at the following links if you don't believe me.

Tifferbob said...

I've had two "Yes on Prop 8" signs stolen and two before that someone slashed it.

I made my own sign that says, "My Yes on Prop 8 sign was stolen. Taking away my right to freedom of speech." I'd encourage you to do that same. I have already had tons of people slow down to read it. It also speaks volumes about the tolerance we are suppose to have yet they don't in return.

Click here to see the full blog.