Tuesday, November 11, 2008


My oldest child, my firstborn son, is 9. Yesterday he asked me if there was a name for youth that are older than kids but younger than teenagers. It was with great pain that I answered that the word for youth of that age is: "Pre-teen". My son is a pre-teen?! I was telling a friend about that this morning and his answer was perhaps a bit more accurate: "Trouble".

1 comment:

Courtney said...

You could also say "tween". With Sarah being just a little bit older than Nathan and Chloe not too far behind, we are definitely in the midst of the tween years in our home. While there are definitely some difficulties of this age, there are also some really great things about it too. We are really starting to see their personalities come to life. It is fun to think about the way they were as toddlers and little kids and see what characteristics they hold onto and what new ones develop. For example, Chloe used to LOVE being read to and now we can hardly get her to stop reading now that she can do it so well on her own. I am amazed at how quickly it has all happened though - and that was probably the point of your post, not to get such a long-winded comment from me. :)

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